MPV player - My mpv.conf file for NVIDIA and AMD/Intel graphic cards in Windows
In a previous post I wrote about using MPV player on Windows with hardware decoding. This is a quick reference post for my recommended minimalist configuration settings in the mpv.conf configuration file. If you have an AMD / Intel graphics device #Default video output set to GPU. Best CPU utilisation in Windows vo=gpu #Best for AMD GPUs hwdec=d3d11va #Prevent MPV closing after playback keep-open #Quality Upscale / Downscale filter (will increase GPU load when enabled) scale=ewa_lanczossharp If you have an NVIDIA graphics device MPV for Windows and NVIDIA NVENC decoding #Default video output set to GPU. Best CPU utilisation in Windows vo=gpu #To enable NVDEC use opengl api gpu-api=opengl #Hardware decoder set to NVDEC wont work if above not set to opengl hwdec=nvdec #Prevent MPV closing after playback keep-open #Quality upscale / downscale filter (uncomment below to enable) scale=ewa_lanczossharp