Online gaming IPFire is better than pfsense

I've been using pfsense for a few years and it has been a good replacement over a traditional router but I've been dissatisfied with its online gaming performance. If I plug my modem directly to my PlayStation 5 and play COD MW2, things are good. If I then use pfsense, even if it is configured to allow an open NAT the gaming experience is like there is some form of delay despite having the same ping. I would describe this as other players seem to be reacting well in advanced and I appear to be out of sync. This is more evident when I watch myself dying in the kill cam and see what the other play saw me do. Either pfsense is bad, I've configured it poorly, it's a hardware issue or a combination of these things. 

In any event I decided to give IPFire a go and my COD MW2 experience is like I have my modem plugged directly into my PlayStation 5. Even my PC online browsing is more responsive and things are loading quicker!

I therefore recommend using IPFire over pfsense -


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